Additive Manufacturing
Additive Manufacturing (AM); A technology capable of producing complex, three dimensional objects broken down into simple two-dimensional manufacturing steps, ensuring the complexities of the part no longer dominate manufacturing time and costs.
Epoch Wires formulate and manufacture laser seam welded wires for wire assisted Additive Manufacturing processes. Homogenous distribution of powders within the wire and addition of nano particles lead to high quality deposits.

Advanced Welding
Automated, laser and robotic welding processes used in demanding applications require excellent stability of welding processes. Metal-cored wires designed with conventional overlap techniques (flux-cored wire manufacturing process) suffer from inadequate and undesirable wire feeding and inconsistent melting. The stiffness and mechanical properties of our wires minimise the cast and helix, leading to superior welding.
Demonstration of Epoch Wires tool steel wire deposition using a laser welding process prepared by TWI.