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Funding Secured for
NanoTi Project

Epoch Wires is pleased to announce their involvement in an InnovateUK research project as part of the “NATEP helping SMEs innovate in aerospace - Autumn 2021 competition”.

International Titanium

Epoch Wires have become a member of International Titanium Association and will be exhibiting on the 5th October 2021. Development of unique and patent pending metal-cored titanium based wires will be demonstrated. 

Best Practice Representative

Epoch Wires becomes 'Best Practice Representative' at 2017 Parliamentary Review

FastWireAm - Event

We would like to invite you to our upcoming free-to-attend, 'FastWireAM Virtual Demo' webinar on 7th July 2021 from 15:00pm - 16:pm (BST).

Stephen Hawking's

Stephen Hawking Believes Super Conductors and Nuclear Fusion Will be the Future of Energy.

Foxton Industrial for Epoch Wires

"Epoch Wires is excited to operate in a modern industrial unit close to Cambridge in the heart of booming high-tech industry, ideal to capitalise on our close links with the University of Cambridge". 

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Epoch Wires Announces Energy Distribution Breakthrough

Epoch Wires has just announced their readiness to manufacture what’s termed “infinitely-long Magnesium Diboride (MgB2) wire.

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Superconductor Week

Epoch Wires has been featured in Superconductor Week. Serdar, the CEO discusses new opportunities and exciting developments of MgB2 Wire.

Funding for MgB2 Machine
for Aviation

The Cambridge UK-based technological and engineering company Epoch Wires has been awarded funding from Innovate UK to design a superconducting machine for future aircraft. 

Mosque in Moscow
Virtual Conference EUCAS 2021

Epoch Wires have participated in EUCAS 2021 and the details of its development project on the design and manufacturing MgB2 cables for DC transmission lines have been presented.

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Comparative Study of the Continuous and Batch Thermal Processing of MgB2 Wires

The last stage of the manufacturing process requires complex reactive diffusion formation process of MgB2 in the presence of SiC nanoparticles.

Superconductors Face the Future

Futuristic ideas for the use of superconductors, materials that allow electric current to flow without resistance, are myriad:...

Wins a Capital Grant from Low Carbon KEEP Small Business Funding

Epoch Wires Wins a capital grant from Low Carbon KEEP Small Business Funding to pursue R&D activities in manufacturing Low-Cost Superconducting Wire for Mass Use. 

Epoch Wires Invents a New Superconducting Wire at the Lowest Market Price

Epoch Wires Inc., has Overcome the Conventional Barriers of Cost and Production Capacity in Manufacturing Infinitely-long Superconducting MgB2 Wires, enabling Large-Scale Energy Applications 

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Zero Carbon Emissions

The Aerospace Technology Institute’s FlyZero report on Zero-Carbon Emmision aircrafts, discusses Epoch Wires’ capability in manufacturing Long-length Superconductive wires. 

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Collaborative Work

Feasibility Analysis and Modelling of MgB2 Superconducting Electrical Power Machines.

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Laser Additive Manufacturing

Epoch Wires are pleased to announce their involvement in an InnovateUK research project as part of the “Sustainable Innovation Fund” competition.

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Novel Superconducting
2 Wires

A novel manufacturing technology to produce infinitely long and cost-effective MgB2 superconductive wires has been developed.

Most Affordable Superconductor Wire

Epoch Wires Ltd., Cambridge, UK, announced today that it has successfully completed tests to confirm the superconductivity properties of its Magnesium Diboride (MgB2) wire produced through its high-capacity manufacturing line at uninterrupted (infinite) lengths.

Epoch Wires Wins a Smart Award

Epoch Wires Wins a Smart Award to Manufacture Low-Cost Superconducting Wire for Mass Use. 

Get in touch

Unit 8, Burlington Park, Foxton, 

Cambridge, CB22 6SA, UK

+44 (0) 1223 478595

© 2021 by Epoch Wires TM

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